”Ingen EU- skepsis i Sydeuropa”

Varför blev Syriza första parti i det grekiska EU-valet? Går det att jämföra situationen i Grekland och Italien?

I en analys av den italienske statvetaren Raffaele Borreca från University of Peloponnese jämför han det grekiska vänsterpartiet Syriza och den italienska rörelsen M5S (Femstjärniga rörelsen).

Han hävdar att det inte är EU-skepsis som ligger bakom dessa partiers framgångar, till skillnad från i Nordeuropa. Läs hela studien här , där Borreca också går igenom bakgrunden till krisen i dessa båda länder. På engelska

Ur sammanfattningen:

Strong of their electoral results, the Greek SYRIZA and the Italian Five
Stars Movement (M5S) assumed soon a pivotal role in their political systems. However, although the demands and the objectives of both SYRIZA and the M5S are, to a certain extent, similar, the two parties differ in terms of political background, ideology and internal organization. The success of the M5S trace its roots in the context of deep distrust against the political system reigning in Italy since the 1990s. In the M5S problematically coexist a grassroots direct democracy approach and the charismatic and substantially unchallenged leadership of the founder Beppe Grillo. The capability of the radical left SYRIZA to convey the anti–Memorandum contestation and its constitution in an unitarian party following the 2012 elections reaffirmed the centrality of the traditional mass party in the Greek democratic representation. However, its electoral drive towards the centre poses major ideological challenges. Finally, the scepticism towards the European governance of both parties cannot be mistaken for anti-europeism. SYRIZA and the M5S canalized the protest from the streets to the national Parliament giving democratic representation to the contestation and contributing in the politicisation of the European polity.